Today more than 16,000 American wild horses live
in short-term U.S. government holding pens.


America's wild horses belong to the American public. They belong to us!
They are an important part of our history and heritage.

These magnificent wild horses have been gathered by the Bureau of Land Management from their natural grazing lands within the United States
and placed in holding facilities. The conditions in these corrals are uncomfortable at best. The horses living there receive only basic care and there is often no shelter from the blazing heat.

These smart, hard-working horses do not get handling, training or affection.
They've been separated from their natural family bands and have no one
to help them transition to the human world. They are physically and mentally
in limbo — stagnant — and have no known release date.

Love Road believes the best solution for these horses
is an aggressive adoption program!

Love Road will establish a centrally located facility in New Mexico that will provide sanctuary for up to 300 wild horses which the public can view.
But the ranch will primarily be a training and adoption center where many
other wild horses will find loving, adoptive homes.

Love Road Wild Horse Sanctuary and Adoption Center will be a tourist
destination with enriching educational and recreational activities for visitors.


Mission & Programs

Love Road's simple mission is to reduce the number of wild horses living in short-term holding . . .

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Get Involved

Donate! Any amount will make
a difference. Also, sign up for
Love Road's newsletter . . .

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Investment Opportunity

Love Road will acquire land
in New Mexico, build its facilities and begin its programs . . .

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